The art scene here for Urban Contemporary is spectacular. I try and go to an opening at least once a week and will try to post pics here when i do.
I really shoulda started this sooner cause i've deleted a lot of old stuff (like the Eelus show in Feb, a couple openings at Black Rat, etc etc)
Anyway, may as well start here. These pics are from the Dreweatts Urban Contemporary Preview last night.
This is a Nick Gentry pice, painted on floppy discs. He's one of the better new young british artists i think along with David Walker. I didn't snag a picture of David Walker's piece, but he's worth checking out.

Here's a Nick Walker canvas. Fresh off his Art Sensus solo show, he's auctioning off this piece to benefit a friend who was paralyzed in a car accident.

A new grafter, I quite like the colours and the image is of the famous photo V-J Day in Times Square by Alfred Eisenstaedt.

A couple Banksys going for an extraordinary amount of money. I love the guy as much as anyone, by 60k (high estimate...imagine will go more) for a small canvas is shocking.

close up of the diptych

Really like this barcode shark by Banksy, hadn't seen it before.

and finally, an Invade piece set in glass, hadn't seen the Pacman image before, would be great if i actually had a desk to put it on!

really like the Barcode Shark by Banksy